Saturday, January 29, 2011


Good morning!

I thought I would update with a little posting on how I make my coffee. 

First and foremost, I use dark and medium dark coffee.  I think it tastes better than the light or medium kinds.

You might think I'm crazy, but I add three other things to my ground coffee before I brew it. 

After I measure my amount of ground coffee to the amount of water (1 tbsp ground coffee to every cup of water), I add the following three things (to taste):

Cocoa powder, cayenne and cinnamon.

I like my coffee to have some heat to it, as well as some depth.  Adding these three things helps to round out the flavor of just the plain coffee itself.  Also, with adding these three things, I avoid adding any sugary creamers.  I have come to learn to appreciate plain black coffee, but I like to add plain, nondairy creamer and some raw sugar to it from time to time. 

Raw sugar is better for you than the white sugar because it isn't processed nearly as much as the white sugar. 

Here are some pics below of the stuff I actually use in my coffee:

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