I love Amazon because I can buy vegan cookbooks at a nice discount, usually at more of a discount than I would at Barnes & Noble (even with the member discount and any other discount they may have at that time). Yes, you still have to pay taxes, but with the free shipping minimum of $25, you won't pay for shipping charges!
Last week, I bought four new vegan cookbooks: Vegan on the Cheap, Vegan Fire & Spice and Quick-Fix Vegan (all by Robin Robertson), as well as Quick and Easy Vegan Bake Sale by Carla Kelly. They were new to me, at least. The book Quick-Fix Vegan is Robin's newest release (as in released LAST week on October 4th)!
I like to go through each cookbook as I buy it and write down all the recipes on sheets of notebook paper (recipe title & page #) that look delicious (even if the recipe calls for onions...). By doing this, I can avoid having to haul out a select few cookbooks and going through them. I can merely refer to these sheets and look for recipes I want to make for that week.
As I have said before in a previous blog entry, my favorite vegan cooks/chefs are Isa Chandra Moskowitz, Colleen Patrick-Goudreau, and Robin Robertson. I do have books by others, but I have all of Isa's and Colleen's cookbooks and nearly all of Robin's. If I am stuck on what to make for the week, I can just look for the sheets where their recipes are written down, and I can always find multiple recipe ideas.
I am still not comfortable enough yet to start creating my own vegan recipes. I don't feel the need to because I have so many recipes to make from the books I have!
On another note, I tried the Indonesian Peanut Saute last night at Noodles & Company (http://www.noodles.com/food/), and I LOVED it! It has a nice heat element to it, so I didn't have to add much sriracha.
Nothing too exciting has been happening on the vegan front since my last entry (as you can tell above), although I do love buying new cookbooks. I can just read a cookbook. :)
'Til next time!